When the 2017 science fiction artist "incubation" was underway

Create_time:2017-07-24  Views:1864

In July 2017, a new group of science fiction painters were being "incubated" at the Li Wen Hui Shang Laboratory. For 12 consecutive nights, the teacher made an appointment with the children - using a paintbrush in their hand to outline their imaginative ideas about science! Let's take a look at the "incubation" process of science fiction painters.

The first step is for the teacher to open the door to science fiction painting creation for children

The second step is for the teacher to guide the children in creative inspiration, discussion, collision, and burst out---


Children discuss creativity with each other~

he third step is for the teacher to provide creative guidance for each work one by one, so that the children's thinking and ideas become clearer and enter the creative process---

Step 4: Invite science fiction experts to guide the children one by one

Let's review the children's creative moments together!

Look! This science fiction artist drew four drafts and gradually improved them step by step--

