Never Forget the Original Intent, Strive for Stability, and Achieve Longevity - Experience of Li Wen Science Education Attending the Academic Forum on "STEAM Education and School Curriculum Const

Create_time:2017-11-13  Views:647

On November 8, 2017, in the bright sunshine, our school teachers went to Qingdao No.2 Middle School in Shandong Province to participate in the "STEAM Education and School Curriculum Construction" academic forum activity. This forum was jointly organized by the Chinese Academy of Education Sciences and the Qingdao Education Bureau, organized by the Qingdao Academy of Education Sciences, and co organized by Qingdao No.2 Middle School and Pearson Education. The theme of the forum is "providing fair, high-quality, and suitable education for every student". There are various forms of forum activities, including high-level theme reports, intelligent sharing forum activities, on-site observation and discussion, and hot dialogue with experts. More than 700 experts, scholars, and representatives of primary and secondary school principals and teachers from all over the country attended the meeting.


Figure 2: Opening Ceremony of the Conference


1、 Listen to the big shot

On the morning of November 8th and 9th, the auditorium of the Second Middle School was fully packed, with educational colleagues from all over the world gathered here. They had the privilege of listening to exciting reports from Chinese and foreign experts in the field of STEAM education research. Researcher Wang Su, Director of the STEM Education Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences and Director of the China Future School Laboratory, explained the "2029 Action Plan for STEM Education in China", Dr. Joanna Robinson, CEO of the Leadership School of International Schools in Ontario, Canada, elaborated on the "Excellent Leadership in an Era of Excellence" in the context of STEAM education, and Associate Professor of the School of Education at Indiana University in the United States The doctoral supervisor Dr. Adam Malzis' "The Potential of Maker Education" and Dr. Joshua Dennis's "Interactive Analysis of Children's Participation in Maker Activities", as well as Dr. Yu Chao, a researcher at the Huashi Science and Technology Innovation Education Research Institute, "Interpretation and Practice of Pearson STEM - Three Dimensions Supporting Efficient Learning", have explained the value and development of maker education to us. The lofty views of the elites have allowed us to appreciate the beautiful future of STEAM education!

Figure 3: Researcher Wang Su

Figure 4: Dr. Joanna Robinson

Figure 5: Dr. Adam Malzis

Figure 6: Dr. Joshua Dennis

Figure 7: Dr. Yu Chao


 Figure 8: Our school teacher performs video retention

2、 Share wisdom

On the afternoon of the 8th, a series of sub forum activities on curriculum construction and development were held, including "Principal Curriculum Leadership and School Characteristic Development", "STEAM Curriculum Development and Student Core Literacy Cultivation", "School-based Curriculum Research and Development and Excellent Teacher Growth", and "Interdisciplinary Curriculum and Student Comprehensive Quality Evaluation". We selected sub forum 2 and sub forum 4 to view and learn from as many perspectives as possible.

Figure 9: Sub forum 2 "STEAM Course Development and Student Core Literacy Cultivation"

Figure 10: Sub forum 4 "Interdisciplinary Curriculum and Student Comprehensive Quality Evaluation"

3、 Dialogue expert

On the afternoon of the 9th, under the leadership of Sun Yanxia, an associate professor and doctoral student in education at the School of Education of Ocean University of China, a high-end dialogue was held on the theme of "STEAM Education and the Cultivation of Innovative Talents". The attending representatives, foreign experts, and local experts had a face-to-face collision on the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, art, and other related fields of STEAM education from concept to action, providing us learners with a broader path and possibility to implement STEAM education. We also deeply felt the higher and updated requirements of future education for teachers, with a sense of mission and tension coexisting, and opportunities and challenges traveling together.

Figure 11: Hotspot Dialogue

    The short two-day training has come to an end quickly, and the benefits are not enough to express our hearts. In fact, more often than not, what we need is not only the courage to reform and innovate, but also the action and steps to put it into reality!

Figure 12: Training Materials


Figure 13: Currently undergoing transfer training