Reprint - Notice on Holding the 9th National Youth Science Imaging Festival

Create_time:2018-03-14  Views:1040

Reprinted from Today's Association for Science and Technology

Notice on Holding the 9th National Youth Science Imaging Festival

Youth science and technology education work institutions of various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Science and Technology Association, youth science and technology counselor associations (science and technology education associations) in various regions, Hong Kong directly funded school councils, and Macau Science and Technology Association:

In order to implement the Implementation Plan of the National Action Plan for Scientific Literacy (2016-2020), promote the widespread development of media technology popularization activities, and improve the scientific literacy of minors, in 2018, the Youth Science and Technology Center of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, the Chinese Youth Science and Technology Counselor Association, and the Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Association will jointly hold the 9th National Youth Science and Technology Imaging Festival (hereinafter referred to as the "Science and Imaging Festival Activity"). The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

The theme

Exploring the Dream of Science Flying.

Activity content

The Science Imaging Festival activities are carried out around the theme of the "Outline of the National Science Literacy Action Plan", which is "saving energy and resources, protecting the ecological environment, ensuring safety and health, and promoting innovation and creation". The collection of works mainly focuses on energy conservation and emission reduction, low-carbon environmental protection, safety and health, disaster prevention and reduction, invention and creation, and innovative creativity, and is divided into three categories: scientific exploration documentaries, scientific microfilms, and popular science animations.


Students from primary, middle, and high schools (including vocational and technical schools) across the country can participate individually or in teams.

Organizational implementation

(1) Production of works

Before July, teenagers who participated in the video festival activities independently selected topics based on the activity theme and personally created and completed video works. The work explores natural or social science issues such as scientific phenomena, technological innovation, and scientific life around us, and is filmed and produced.

(2) Work application
The application period for works is from 12:00 on July 1st to 24:00 on July 15th. Participating students submit their entries online through the official website of the event (website: )If overdue, it will not be accepted.

(3) Qualification review and preliminary evaluation
After the application of the works is completed, provincial administrators are responsible for conducting qualification reviews of the participating works in their respective provinces, and submitting the review results to the organizing committee before July 18th. The organizing committee organized experts to conduct online preliminary evaluations of qualified works, and announced the preliminary evaluation results and the list of shortlisted exhibition works in early September.

(4) Exhibition and evaluation activities
An exhibition and evaluation event will be held in Changsha in late October. The main content includes: opening ceremony, technology interactive activities, skill testing, work exhibition evaluation, public display, award ceremony, etc. Specific matters will be notified separately.

contact information

1. China Association for Science and Technology Youth Science and Technology Center

Contact person: Wang Yanna
Contact number: 010-68512735
Mailing Address: Room 206, Block C, No. 3 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing
Postal code: 100038
2. Technical guidance for online declaration
Contact person: Miao Lei
Contact number: 010-59792520
Attachment: Implementation Measures for the 9th National Youth Science Imaging Festival

Implementation Measures for the 9th National Youth Science Imaging Festival


1. Students from primary, middle, and high schools (including vocational and technical schools) across the country can participate in activities individually or in teams.

2. Activities are subject to individual or collective declaration. There should be no more than 2 tutors for each work, and no more than 3 creators for each work. There should be no midway replacement.

2、Work requirements

The work must comply with relevant national laws and administrative regulations, respect cultural traditions, public morality, comply with ethnic policies, have healthy content, and have a distinct theme.

1. Originality: The work is independently selected and created by the applicant, without any copyright disputes.
2. Scientificity: The work must revolve around the theme of the activity, conform to objective reality, reflect the essence and internal laws of things, have sufficient arguments, and have authentic and reliable materials, data, and results.
3. Integrity: The work must express ideas and explain science through complete sound and painting elements.
4. If the submitted work has participated in other competition activities or been exhibited or displayed on public media platforms, it is allowed to participate in this activity, but it must be indicated on the registration form. Previous works of the Film Festival (or similar to those previously submitted) shall not be re submitted. If found, the eligibility of the unit and author for evaluation will be cancelled.
5. The organizer has the right to publish a collection of works, display them publicly, promote and promote their works.
6. During the filming process and the content of the work, if the following situations occur, the review will not be conducted:
(1) Those who violate laws, regulations, ethics, ethnic customs, and religious beliefs.
(2) There are personal safety hazards.
(3) Causing harm to animals and plants.
(4) Causing damage to the environment and cultural relics.

3、Category of works

Scientific exploration documentaries, scientific microfilms, and popular science animations created with the background of scientific spirit and the themes of life phenomena, scientific phenomena, or scientific principles:

1. Scientific Exploration Documentary: Interpreting scientific content using scientific methods and perspectives, with scientific, professional, and storytelling qualities. The work is centered around the real process of scientific exploration, cannot be fictional, and can be presented through artistic means of film and television, triggering people's thinking about science.

2. Scientific microfilms: Create storylines with scientific value, which are scientific, entertaining, and storytelling. Microfilms should have elements such as time, location, characters, themes, and storylines, and focus on the creation of scripts to make the told story complete, vivid, and highly entertaining.

3. Popular science animation: The author uses simple, exaggerated, and humorous techniques to revolve around a scientific phenomenon or abstract scientific knowledge in daily life, and expresses it through vivid plots through animation.

4、Work standards

1. Duration: The duration of scientific exploration documentaries and scientific microfilms shall not exceed 8 minutes. The duration of popular science animation works shall not exceed 4 minutes.

2. Format: Scientific exploration documentaries and scientific micro film works are uploaded in MP4 format, while popular science animation works are uploaded in SWF format. The screen ratio is 4:3, and the resolution is 720 × 576 (pixels); Or screen ratio 16:9, resolution 1280 × 720 pixels, it is recommended that the video stream (data flow per unit time) be between 2000-2500Kbps. Each work should provide 3 thumbnails in jpg format, with a resolution of 640 pixels wide and 480 pixels high. The author has recently taken one bareheaded photo in jpg format, with a resolution of 480 pixels wide and 640 pixels high. It is used for online display and ID production during the event.
3. Quality: The artwork has clear graphics, distinct layers, natural colors, and no skipping or missing frames. Sound and image synchronization, moderate volume, no distortion, no obvious excessive or excessive noise, and no obvious background noise. The dubbing of the work should be in Mandarin with clear sound quality. If the content needs to be in a dialect or ethnic language, subtitles must be added at the same time, and the subtitles must not have typos or excessive font size.
4. Please save and create the source files for the submitted works. If the winning works require the source file format, the organizing committee office will contact the author to upload.

5、Declaration review

1. Online declaration: Participating works can be declared through the official website (website: )All submitted works should strictly comply with the relevant requirements for online submission (see attached tables 1 and 2) for application and submission of materials.

2. Provincial review: Before 12:00 on July 18th, provincial administrators should log in to the work management system, view project information and application forms, and review the qualifications and content of the projects applied for in the province. If an error is found, perform a return and modification operation in the system, and remind the applicant to complete the modification and resubmit before the declaration deadline. After all reviews are confirmed to be correct, the provincial review and recommendation form will be printed online. After being signed and stamped by the provincial administrator and organizational head, it will be scanned and uploaded to the work management system to confirm the completion of the application. Delaying the deadline will be considered as giving up the qualification to participate in the provincial competition this year.

6、Work review

The event organizing committee selects senior experts from various sectors of society such as imaging related fields, youth activity experts, and mass media to form a work evaluation committee, which will evaluate the applied works by age group (primary school group, secondary school group). According to the expert evaluation results, the first 120 works have been nominated for the final evaluation exhibition review, while other works have been awarded third prize according to a certain proportion.

(2) Exhibition Review
During the exhibition and evaluation process, the first and second prizes, as well as individual and special awards, will be selected through student skill testing and on-site questioning by judges. Those who fail the skill test will be automatically downgraded to third prize and will no longer participate in the final evaluation of other awards. The nominated works for exhibition and evaluation must be attended by the author himself. Failure to attend will be considered as a waiver of the award eligibility.

7、Recognition awards

The first, second, and third prizes will be awarded a certificate of award by the organizer.

The Best Work Award will be presented by the organizer with a trophy and certificate of award.
3. Individual awards shall be awarded medals and certificates by the organizer.
4. The nomination award will be awarded a certificate of award by the organizer.
5. Special awards shall be issued by the awarding unit with a certificate of award and a prize or prize.
6. The Outstanding Instructor Award will be awarded a certificate by the organizer.
7. The Outstanding Organizational Unit Award shall be presented with medals by the organizer.
8. Select and recommend award-winning works for broadcast or publication on relevant television, newspapers, websites, and other media.

Attached Table 1.Copyright Declaration Form for Participating Works

Attached Table 2.Application for the exchange of backbone teachers at the 9th National Youth Science Imaging Festival