Reprint - Xi'an Jiaotong University 2018 Independent Enrollment Brochure

Create_time:2018-03-21  Views:1436

In order to fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in accordance with the Implementation Opinions of the State Council on Deepening the Reform of the Examination and Enrollment System (Guo Fa [2014] No. 35) and the overall deployment of relevant documents of the Ministry of Education on independent enrollment work, Xi'an Jiaotong University combines the school's educational positioning of "rooted in the western region, serving the country, and being world-class" with the talent cultivation goal of "dedicated to cultivating outstanding talents who advocate science, seek truth and innovation, work hard and steadfastly, have a sense of social responsibility, and noble qualities", with moral education as the foundation, ideal and belief education as the core, and socialist core values as the guide, In 2018, we will continue to recruit outstanding high school science graduates with disciplinary expertise, innovative potential, and high moral character through independent enrollment. The school will conduct selection based on the principles of "fair opportunities, open procedures, and fair results", preferring scarcity over abuse, and selecting the best candidates for admission.

1、 Registration conditions

High school outstanding science graduates who love the motherland, love the people, support the leadership of the CPC, abide by discipline and law, are honest and trustworthy, willing to help others, and have outstanding discipline expertise and innovation potential can apply for the exam if they meet one of the following conditions:

1. Those who have won the second prize or above at the provincial level in the national high school subject Olympic competition (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, informatics) during their high school years;

2. Winners in the finals of science and technology innovation competitions during high school (including first, second, and third prizes in the National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition or the "Tomorrow Little Scientist" award activity, and first and second prizes in the finals in the national primary and secondary school computer production activity. The winning results are subject to the list published on the Sunshine College Entrance Examination platform);

3. Winners of the Intel International Science and Engineering Grand Prix (referred to as "Intel ISEF") during high school;

4. Those who have fully participated in the "High School Science and Technology Innovation Reserve Talent Training Program" (referred to as the "Talent Program") and obtained a graduation certificate during their high school years;

5. Those who have innovative potential and disciplinary strengths in fields such as mathematics or physics during high school, and can provide authentic and detailed materials to prove them.

2、 Enrollment Plan

In principle, the number of independent admissions in our school in 2018 should not exceed 5% of the total enrollment plan. Candidates can choose and apply to all the science majors in our school based on their subject strengths. Those who are particularly outstanding can obtain the qualification to enter top talent experimental classes such as the Engineering Experimental Class (Qian Xuesen Class) and the Science Experimental Class (Mathematics, Physics, Chemical Biology, Computer Science).

3、 Registration method

Please log in to the "Pilot University Autonomous Enrollment Registration System" for online registration. After registration, log in and fill out the application form accurately and completely according to the requirements, without sending paper materials. The specific steps are as follows:

1. Online registration: Log in to the "Pilot University Autonomous Enrollment Registration System"( )Enter "Online Registration", choose "Xi'an Jiaotong University" as the voluntary application school, choose "Ordinary Autonomous" as the registration type, strictly follow the operating instructions to complete and accurately fill in relevant information, and upload electronic versions of supporting materials such as award certificates. All materials must not be modified after submission.

2. Electronic version material list:

(1) A scanned copy of the 2018 Xi'an Jiaotong University General Autonomous Enrollment Application Form stamped with the school seal by the middle school (this application form must be a barcode application form generated after successful online registration, and the high school where the candidate is located is responsible for verifying the authenticity of the information filled in and affixing the school seal);

(2) Scanned copies of provincial and above award certificates for the national high school student subject Olympic competition, final award certificates for science and innovation competitions, "Intel ISEF" award certificates, or "Talent Program" completion certificates during the high school stage;

(3) Relevant supporting materials (such as certificates, papers, expert recommendations, or high school recommendations) with innovative potential and disciplinary strengths in fields such as mathematics or physics during high school.

4、 Selection process

1. Material Review: The school will organize relevant discipline experts to conduct a comprehensive and strict review of the application materials submitted by candidates in accordance with the "2018 Xi'an Jiaotong University Independent Enrollment Material Review Measures", and the review results will be divided into "passed" and "not passed". Candidates who have obtained a "pass" can participate in the preliminary examination; Candidates who fail cannot enter the subsequent assessment stage of selection. The material review results will be published in the registration system and made public according to relevant requirements. The public announcement will take effect after there are no objections;

2. Preliminary Examination: Candidates who pass the material review must participate in the preliminary examination organized by our school. The initial exam adopts the form of a computer test, with two subjects: Mathematics and Logic, and Comprehensive Science (Physical Chemistry). The initial test results are divided into "pass" and "fail", and all candidates' initial test scores and results will be announced in the registration system;

3. Re examination: Candidates who pass the initial examination must participate in the re examination organized by our school. The re examination is conducted in the form of an interview, mainly examining candidates' subject strengths, innovative potential, and comprehensive qualities. The re examination is conducted in our Xingqing campus. All candidates' retest scores will be announced in the registration system;

4. Qualification determination: The school will determine the list of candidates with independent enrollment qualifications and preferential levels based on their total score (preliminary exam score+retest score) from high to low. Candidates who have obtained the qualification for independent enrollment must fill out their professional preferences again through the independent enrollment registration system. Our school will conduct professional admissions for the college entrance examination in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 5 "Preferential Policies";

5. Result publicity: The school will report the list of candidates who have obtained independent enrollment qualifications, preferential levels, and selected majors to the provincial enrollment and examination institutions in their source areas for filing, and publish them on the Sunshine College Entrance Examination Platform of the Ministry of Education and our undergraduate enrollment website. Those who have no objections to the announcement will participate in the independent enrollment and admission of the college entrance examination.

5、 Preferential policies

The preferential policies for candidates who have obtained the qualification for independent enrollment at our school are divided into the following two categories:

1. Admission is controlled online for a batch of undergraduate students in the local province and with a certain discount score for offline simulated enrollment in our school (excluding candidates from Zhejiang and Shanghai);


Note: (1) The minimum admission control reference line for autonomous enrollment in Zhejiang Province is a section line;

(2) The discount points for Shanghai candidates will be calculated based on the conversion method mentioned in Article 7.

6、 Schedule

From March 20th to March 31st, apply for independent enrollment;
Before April 30th, the results of the material review will be announced and publicly displayed on the Sunshine College Entrance Examination platform of the Ministry of Education (candidates with a "pass" result must confirm whether to participate in the subsequent assessment process of our school's independent enrollment selection before May 10th and make payment. Candidates who fail to complete the payment procedures will be deemed to have automatically given up and will not be allowed to participate in the subsequent assessment process);

On June 10th, the initial exam (specific arrangements will be based on the admission ticket);

Before June 12th, the preliminary exam results and results will be announced in the registration system;
From June 15th to 16th, the interview will be conducted (report in on the afternoon of the 15th, interview all day on the 16th, please pay attention to the "Guidelines for Independent Enrollment Reexamination" published on our university's undergraduate enrollment website for specific arrangements);

Around June 20th (the specific date will be notified in the registration system), the re examination results and qualification confirmation results will be announced in the registration system, and candidates will confirm their majors again;

On June 22nd, it was publicly announced on the Sunshine College Entrance Examination platform of the Ministry of Education and our university's undergraduate enrollment website. Candidates can check it in the registration system.

7、 Policy Description and Precautions
The parts specified in the "Electronic Material List" of the application materials submitted by candidates must be true and complete;

2. Candidates who have passed the interviews and inspections of our school's experts at the Olympic competitions (finals) in various disciplines must complete their registration and professional preferences according to the content of the signed "Outstanding Competition Student Information Confirmation Form" and our school's independent enrollment brochure. Failure to complete the form will be considered as automatic abandonment of our school's independent enrollment selection in 2018 and will not enjoy any preferential policies;

3. Candidates who have obtained the qualification for independent enrollment at our school must fill out their college entrance examination preferences in accordance with the unified arrangements of the provincial enrollment and examination institutions in their source areas regarding independent enrollment. The physical examination of candidates should comply with the provisions of our school's enrollment regulations;

4. The preferential points in this chapter's preferential policies are only applicable to provinces (cities, districts) with a total score of 750 in the college entrance examination. For provinces (cities, districts) with a total score of not 750, the preferential points in the preferential policies will be converted proportionally;

5. The simulated enrollment line is calculated and generated by the provincial enrollment examination institutions (excluding Zhejiang and Shanghai) in the student source region based on the final enrollment ratio determined by all universities in the first batch of undergraduate programs in the province (city, district) of the student source;

6. For candidates from Zhejiang and Shanghai, the requirements for selecting subjects for each independent enrollment major are consistent with the requirements for selecting subjects for each major when registering for the regular college entrance examination;

7. The discount level obtained by candidates shall be based on the results published online by our school's enrollment website;

8. The college entrance examination professional aspirations must be consistent with the majors announced on the Sunshine Platform. In case of inconsistency, the majors announced on the Sunshine Platform shall prevail;

9. The preferential policy for independent enrollment is only applicable to the batches of independent enrollment submitted by the province where the candidate is located;

10. The school has not entrusted any individuals or intermediary organizations to carry out independent enrollment related work, and does not hold any form of tutoring classes.

8、 Supervision mechanism

1. The independent enrollment and admission work of Xi'an Jiaotong University is subject to the supervision of disciplinary inspection and supervision departments, candidates, parents, and various sectors of society, achieving fair opportunities, fair procedures, and open results. The supervision and reporting hotline is 029-82664464, and the reporting email is: ;

2. The entire interview process is recorded, and the list of experts and interview sequence are randomly determined by drawing lots;

3. The results of material review, preliminary exam scores and results, and retest scores will be announced on the Sunshine College Entrance Examination platform of the Ministry of Education after being approved by the school's enrollment leadership group. The list of eligible candidates, majors, preferential scores, and admission list will be submitted to the school's enrollment leadership group for approval, and will be publicly displayed on the Sunshine College Entrance Examination platform of the Ministry of Education and the school's undergraduate enrollment website;

4. Students apply based on the principle of "integrity" and ensure that the content of the materials is truthful. If there is any falsification in the materials, once verified, it will be deemed as cheating in the national education examination, and its independent enrollment qualification will be cancelled. It will be reported to the relevant provincial enrollment examination institutions or education administrative departments for further processing; Those who have already enrolled will be dealt with in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education and our school.

9、 If there are any changes in the policies of the Ministry of Education, the latest policies issued by the Ministry of Education shall prevail.

10、 This method is interpreted by the Admissions Office of Xi'an Jiaotong University.

Mailing Address: Enrollment Office of Xi'an Jiaotong University, No. 28 Xianning West Road, Xi'an City (Postal Code: 710049)

Consultation hotline: 029-82668320; Fax: 029-82668322; Email: