Implementing the "double reduction" policy and improving the quality of after-school services, all schools are taking action

Create_time:2022-03-30  Views:1309

After the comprehensive implementation of the "double reduction" policy in the country, after-school service work has been elevated to a new level and has become one of the key tasks of various schools.

In order to ensure the safe and orderly operation of after-school services, various schools have successively held personalized course meetings on after-school services.

Specific requirements were put forward in the meeting for personalized course teaching and safety management in various aspects, especially strict control requirements for epidemic management.





High quality after-school services help to "double reduce" the temperature of services, extend education, and promote the comprehensive development of children.

Due to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control in Hefei City, offline courses for after-school service work in various schools will be suspended from March 20th.

For more information, please click on: Notice on Further Strengthening the Current Epidemic Prevention and Control Work in Hefei City

Although the epidemic has caused us to press the pause button and prevent us from exploring science face-to-face, we hope that students will not stop exploring science at home. Teachers will also share scientific knowledge in the group and look forward to the end of the epidemic and continuing to explore science with students.

Liwen Science Popularization and Innovation Studio has been active in the forefront of youth science education for nearly a decade, offering science popularization and innovation courses and lectures on "learning by doing, thinking in learning, and creating in thinking". It has taught tens of thousands of children and led them to participate in science and innovation competitions. More than a hundred scientific inventions and micro film works have won the first, second, and third prizes nationwide, Anhui Province, and Hefei City. Students represent Anhui Province at the national award ceremony

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