Li Wen Science Popularization and Innovation Studio actively responds to the spirit of the National Action Plan for National Science Literacy, and fully cooperates in carrying out social science popul

Create_time:2021-12-28  Views:3332

Talent is the first resource, and innovation is the first driving force.

On June 25, 2021, the State Council issued the "Outline of the Action Plan for National Scientific Literacy (2021-2035)".



The teachers of the Li Wen Science Popularization and Innovation Studio have studied and discussed the "Outline of the Action Plan for the National Science Literacy (2021-2035)" word by word, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the country's call and instructions for the improvement of the national science literacy.

It is worth mentioning that this action plan outline places the improvement of young people's scientific literacy at the top of the "improvement action" column, indicating the consistent importance that the country attaches to the improvement of young people's scientific literacy.

All teachers in the Li Wen Science Popularization and Innovation Studio actively respond to the spirit of the National Outline and fully cooperate in carrying out social science popularization education activities.

On December 10, 2021, Sun Xiaoling, a frontline technology counselor at the Liwen Science Popularization and Innovation Studio (an excellent mentor at the National Science Imaging Festival), participated in the Science Popularization Community Experience Magic Science Experiment jointly organized by the Dongqi Community Party Committee, the Party Branch of the Provincial Science and Technology Association Office, the Party Branch of the Provincial Youth Activity Center, the District Committee Propaganda Department, and the Huachong Branch of Heping Primary School. This activity is published on the Learning Power APP by local platforms.





Technological innovation and scientific popularization are the two wings to achieve innovative development. Li Wen Science Popularization Science and Innovation Studio will continue to work hard, actively participate in and fully cooperate in carrying out social youth science enlightenment activities, and sow the seeds of science in the hearts of more children!