To Dong Bo: Thank you for your company!

Create_time:2022-01-06  Views:3572

In the autumn season of September, we met you.

In the cold winter of December, we bid farewell to each other.
Teacher Wang Yuhan and all the friends thank Dr. Dong Fenfen for his company!


Unforgettable memories

Dr. Dong Fenfen graduated from the School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China. In September 2021, Dong Bo walked into our Li Wen Science Popularization and Innovation Studio, responsible for the scientific enlightenment teaching of after-school services in five schools in the autumn of 2021. He also led the teachers to learn content such as the "Outline of the National Science Quality Action Plan (2021-2035)", "Family Education Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China", "Compulsory Education Primary School Science Curriculum Standards", and improved the courseware for this semester During daily teaching seminars and new employee training, we have provided a lot of guidance and assistance to the studio teachers.



Daily communication between Dong Bo and his friends


Communication between Dong Bo and Parents in the Communication Group


Children and PhDs face to face



Study time for Dong Bo and his friends




Thank you to Dong Bo for his companionship throughout this semester. The friends from Li Wen Science Popularization and Innovation Studio quietly prepared a farewell party……


Joy Collection



be distressed at parting





  力文科普科创工作室的小伙伴们还想对董博说The friends of Liwen Science Popularization and Innovation Studio also want to say to Dong Bo



Teacher Cai Yu - Everyone has been living happily together for three months. During these three months, I have learned a lot from you, such as carefulness, humility, communication with others, women's self-reliance and confidence, etc. From time to time, I remember Dong Bo's pure smile and gentle treatment of others. Being with you is a form of growth. Thank you for your company this semester. Sincerely wish you the opportunity to ride the wind and waves, prosper in everything, and grow together in your career and love in the new environment. Green mountains remain unchanged, green waters flow forever.

Teacher Sun Xiaoling - Dong Bo, the time spent with you is short but very beautiful. You give people the feeling of being like a jasmine flower, fresh, wise, steady, and always learn a lot from Dong Bo. Wishing Dong Bo a smooth and prosperous future.
Teacher Ruan Shaoru has learned a lot from Dong Bo during the months he spent with him. When he collaborated with Dong Bo to revise research papers on technological inventions, he experienced Dong Bo's rigor. When he taught with Dong Bo, he also experienced Dong Bo's meticulousness. Wishing Dong Bo smooth sailing and successful career in his future work.
Teacher Wang Jun - No matter how high the mountain is or how far the road is, your feet can always measure it; No matter how wide the sky and the earth are, blessings can always be conveyed. Wishing Dong Bo, who loves to laugh, good health, peace and happiness!
Teacher Yue Jingjing - Dong Bo, you are like a cup of warm water, bringing comfort and calmness to others. Through communication with you, I have gained an understanding of subject knowledge that I have never been exposed to before; When working with you to modify the information, I noticed my carelessness in neglecting details; When traveling with you, I learned to see the scenery in life from different perspectives. Thank you for meeting your time! Wishing you peace, joy, and prosperity!
Teacher Wang Yuhan - Wishing Dong Bo a bright future, smooth work, good health, and success in his dreams!


Teacher Wang Yuhan - Wishing Dong Bo a bright future, smooth work, good health, and success in his dreams!
The Li Wen Science Popularization and Innovation Studio welcomes university students, scientific researchers, and individuals interested in science popularization and innovation to join the Youth Science Enlightenment.