Happy Review of the Science Experiment Curriculum at Beicheng Li High School in the Autumn of 2017

Create_time:2017-12-29  Views:1678

On December 26, 2017, children in the science experiment class of Beicheng Ligao School welcomed the last class of this semester - Happy Review. This class is a review and summary of the science courses learned this semester. Although there were no equipment, it still did not affect the children's enthusiasm. From first grade to fourth grade, each class's review competition is in full swing, especially in third and fourth grades, where the competition is even delayed by more than 20 minutes before it ends.

In class, children and teachers recall the experiments they learned this semester together, and then associate them with the corresponding knowledge points of each experiment, and then summarize these knowledge points.




Classroom Moments

At the end of the course, many children took out paper and pens and wrote down their love for scientific experiments.

The children wrote down their favorite courses

 Through review, I feel that every child has not wasted this semester. For some scientific phenomena, I can already explain them in my own language and incorporate my own ideas. I have developed a spirit of scientific inquiry, able to think deeply, discuss with others, and try to solve problems (this is particularly evident in senior grades), and my hands-on skills have also improved. This is what we want to bring to children - learning by doing, thinking through learning, and creating through thinking, which is also the greatest charm of science classes.

Looking forward to moving forward with these science loving children in 2018~